Myriad examples show us that emotional behaviour is unacceptable, whether it is in professional world or personal interaction. Being angry is viewed as a defect in personality. Psychologists call this bad anger management. In real life, when we are faced with circumstances where we have to agree to unjust, i.e. your boss asks you to execute a business plan which in reality causes suffering to a lot people, be it environmental damage, human rights damage, or economics damage. This business plan is untouchable by the law due to technicalities. If you get emotional in rejecting such order, you will be considered unprofessional or psychologically incapable or socially disarmed.
In my world, this problem is a lot denser. Lawyers are demanded to act professionally even when he is fully aware of the crime his client has committed. In academics life, anger is viewed as incapability to blend in certain social circles. Few days ago, i chatted with my friend from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (united states). As a prelude, racism is dense and disguised in United States. I experienced it, my friends in US experienced it. We know it... If you are an Asian and Arabics in US and have stayed there for 10 years or more, you can feel how disguised discrimination against Arabics or Asian American is so systematic and sophisticated. Now, as an academician, you will want to write something about it. You want to reveal how the law and policy work in the direction of discrimination. My friend experienced how the ‘real’ Americans will disregard your works. You get angry because you think it is unjust, but it is so difficult to prove before a court that certain policy discriminates against you or your race. If you do, the academics institution will take action against this. They can isolate you slowly by making sure that no international legal journal would accept you writing or any press would not publish your work. Worst, they start isolating you from any self establishment programs or forums, making sure you are not gaining popularity or any academics achievement so that what you say are not credible before the public.
You see how systematic people in power restrain freedom of speech? They said you are allowed to say whatever you think is right, but they ll make sure you are a discredited academicians so that whatever you say lose credibility. If you watch boston legal, or the insider (al pacino) or read john grisham novel, you will understand what i mean. Instead of attacking the credibility of the evidence, people will start attacking your personal credibility. The insider (al pacino) depicts that big corporation will dig up every single microscopic mistakes of your lives to make sure russel crowe’s public statement is discredited. This includes his bad marriage, his failure to pay alimony.. What the hell does that have to do with the credibility of his research on nicotine addictive substance? He is truly outraged that the tobacco companies have been manipulating the medical research on nicotine effect (before 1994 nicotine was not considered addictive).
If i were in harvard or yale right now, and i start getting outraged by the systematic and disguised discrimination those institutions are employing against people like me, i will never get the chance or very difficult chance to write in any international legal journal... If US has this chronic problem, you can imagine what happen in countries like Indonesia (or any developing States in the world)... Why sincerity cant be best expressed with anger. The court or the politicians will never listen to you.... We have to come with big smiles and stupid lies pretending we are professionals while arguing genocide before the ICJ because that s deem professional? I am fully aware that emotional per se is not a solution and many people use that as a weapon to move marginalized society to fight against the government... (such as separatist movement or any group without sincere goals)..
I M OUTRAGED BY HOW THE WORLD IS CONSTRUCTED. I AM OUTRAGED BECAUSE GETTING ANGRY MEANS UNPROFESSIONAL AND UNACCEPTABLE. I AM ANGRY BECAUSE SINCERITY IS NOT VALUED MUCH COMPARED TO BIG FAKE SMILES. Eventually, people like me who are fighting for deeds and values wear out, tired, isolated, discredited and go insane. I can feel what Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche felt, must be painful... his whole life... trying to tell the truth, trying to save those who do not want to be saved... trying to light a dark room where people in the room dont think they are in darkness..
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